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The Bigleaf Differentiators… For Salespeople



As I have mentioned in the past, Bigleaf has some really smart people on the team. They also have me – a salesperson. Most of the time, our smart people are doing smart things to make Bigleaf better. However, they also spend some quality time, explaining how we do what we do to me – a salesperson.


So, in honor of their efforts, I want to share what they’ve taught me about what makes Bigleaf unique, in terms a sales person can use. If you want a more technical overview of each feature, click on the feature name.

Same IP Address Failover

This mean not only does outbound traffic leverage both connections, but inbound traffic does too. With Same IP Address Failover, a VoIP call or VPN pointed at a public IP address can be moved from one circuit to the other without interrupting the session. The customer could be in the middle of a phone call, lose one of their internet connections to a failure, and still keep the call up and running without interruption.


Intelligent Load Balancing

This is about maximizing performance and value of both the customers Internet connections and their cloud-based applications. Though many people like the idea of a redundant Internet connection, nobody likes paying for something they hope to never use. With Intelligent Load Balancing, not only do we eliminate the idea of redundancy, we make sure that customers are using always each Internet connection for its ideal purpose. We match each type of customer traffic to whichever circuit is best for that type of traffic at the exact moment. No more primary and secondary circuits, just optimized Internet and maximized value.


Dynamic QoS

This is the game changer when we talk to VoIP providers. For years VoIP providers have had to face the dilemma of provisioning services via private circuits or Over-the-Top of a customers existing Internet circuit(s). Private circuits ensured quality and performance because the provider could use QoS. However, the expense of these private circuits significantly increased their service delivery costs. Conversely, Over-the-Top provisioning kept the providers price point down to a competitive level, but sacrificed QoS and its performance benefits. With Dynamic QoS, that dilemma disappears. Bigleaf can provide Over-the-Top value with QoS performance.


Plug-and-Play Provisioning

Don’t get me wrong, we come from the telco world and know how important field techs the entire Internet ecosystem. They are great people, who work really hard. However, it’s nice to not have to always rely on them. It’s nice to know our customers agree. Bigleaf is ready to work right out of the box. There is no need for to dispatch a tech or have a “certified” engineer involved in our installation process. Each Bigleaf router comes with a 2-page, each to follow, install guide. The entire process was designed with me in mind. If I can install it, then we are success. So, if you can plug in an Ethernet cord, you should yourself a “Bigleaf Certified” installer.



So there you have the sales perspective on what the smart guys have taught me. If you are more interested in what the smart guys have to say, please link from each feature to on overview page, or even better give us a call. They’d love to chat!

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