Assisted Living

Network Optimization for Assisted Living Communities

Compassion, care, and optimized connectivity

Uninterrupted internet service is essential for residents’ dignity and caregivers’ convenience.

Bigleaf treats your internet connection with the integrity and respect it deserves.

Bigleaf leverages robust SD-WAN technology and intelligent software to monitor the health of your internet connection, diagnose any issues in real-time, and resolve them automatically to help ensure your network functions at its absolute best. 

We care for your internet connections so you can focus on caring for your residents.

Don’t settle for unreliable internet that degrades your standard of care

Minimize internet slowdowns and performance issues that disrupt phone calls, streaming entertainment, safety and environmental controls, and health care tools.

Maintain data security and regulatory compliance

Bigleaf’s technology operates outside your firewall, so you can maintain the security tools and protocols you already have in place without change or compromise.

Keep residents and staff happy, without on-site IT

Our plug-and-play equipment installs in minutes, deploys without manual programming, and resolves connectivity issues automatically in real-time—no on-site IT expertise necessary.

Get the Bigleaf demo for Assisted Living

Get a personalized walkthrough for how our intelligent platform optimizes internet performance for assisted living facilities.

Read more about Bigleaf for Healthcare

Elderly woman with caregiver learning to use a tablet on a sunny assisted living facility porch, with senior men conversing in the background.
Enhancing quality of life with Bigleaf’s network optimization solution in senior living communities
Pregnant woman in telehealth visit on laptop
Telehealth patient experience depends on a healthy internet connection

Illustration of areas and people common in an assisted living community with multiple items, such as nurse call systems, called out as examples of tools that require internet connectivity.
Seamless connectivity empowering assisted living technology

Introducing Bigleaf Wireless Connect