
How to create a network that is resilient against internet outages and issues

On August 30th, CenturyLink/Level 3 experienced a widespread internet outage lasting nearly 5 hours. This not only impacted their network and their direct customers, but it also affected many other ISPs and services that connected to their network, directly or … Read More

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What happened with the CenturyLink / Level 3 internet outage?

You probably noticed or heard that CenturyLink / Level 3 had a big network outage this past Sunday (August 30, 2020). Here are some insights from our perspective running a network that peers with them and many others.

What happened with the internet outage this weekend?

You probably noticed or heard that CenturyLink / Level 3 had a big network outage this past Sunday morning. Several popular sites and online services were down or unusable, including Amazon, Hulu, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Steam, and Twitter. So … Read More

SaaS at the Business Edge: Are Your Downtime Fears Justified?

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) business applications have clear advantages. They have great pricing. They are convenient and easy to manage. You get cutting edge technology. However, to get them implemented we have to overcome a very valid objection:   Sometimes the internet breaks.  Over the … Read More

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