
How Bigleaf SD-WAN improves Office 365 adoption and experience

This month, we headed up to Seattle, WA to talk at Microsoft’s Machine Learning and Data Science conference about Bigleaf’s unique SD-WAN approach and how we’re helping improve Office 365 adoption and experience. Our founder and CEO, Joel Mulkey, was there to help explain why companies using Office 365 are rethinking their network architecture as more and more of their business technologies are moving to the Cloud.

Fortunately for us, the cameras were rolling…

Video Transcript

Hi. I’m Joel Mulkey, founder and CEO of Bigleaf networks. The world of business is in the middle of a massive shift right now. The cloud is taking over, and Office 365 is driving much of that. However, the connection between users and the cloud is preventing adoption in many cases. IT leaders are scared to deploy the great applications that folks like you were building. There are two main reasons for that.

The first is that the internet connection connecting to the cloud is unpredictable. We monitor thousands of internet connections all over and based on that data, we see that each internet connection on average experiences three and a half hours of downtime in given month. On top of that, if the connection up, it’s not necessarily healthy. You’ll see there are twenty-three hours of unhealthy time where the circuit is basically unusable.

The second major issue is that networks aren’t keeping up with the cloud revolution. Users are able to bring apps into their environment at any time, and Enterprise networks are built on static network policies. That’s a collision where the network is just simply not able to adapt as users procure and deploy these applications.

The cloud requires a new kind network, a new kind of Internet. One that’s smarter. That’s Bigleaf. Bigleaf has deployed software defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) to hundreds of mutual business customers. Those are Microsoft customers who are getting the application experience the developers intended because the network is no longer in the way.

Let me talk you through what this looks like.

Bigleaf is built into the internet backbone, the core of the internet. We also own and operate our own core Network. We deploy routers and servers and data centers all over.

We peer that network with hundreds of different networks, including [Microsoft’s]. We then deploy a small router at each customer location and between those endpoints we run our intelligent network software. This platform gives full visibility and control over the whole internet path ensuring that the application user is getting the experience that they should. Because we own this network, we peer it with over a thousand different Cloud applications. This means no matter what the user’s using, whether it’s a Microsoft app or something else, they get a consistent experience this what they were expecting.

Now want talk to you through four areas that we’re innovating in network today. The first is, when you deploy Network Technology, it needs to be easy to implement. Otherwise, it won’t be used. Bigleaf is simple. Our router drops in in between the customer’s firewall and their internet connections. That connects back to our core Network and that’s it. We don’t touch the LAN. We don’t touch the security. We simply focus on internet reliability and performance.

The second area is reliability. Users are expecting a very real-time experience today. If you’re on a key phone call and it drops, or even if it’s glitchy, people upset. Or, if you’ve got a video, you’re streaming and it picks the lates people wonder what’s wrong with the application or what’s wrong with the network. At Bigleaf, we address this through intelligent software that inspects each internet connection ten times second, gathering huge amounts of data on packet loss latency, jitter and capacity. We then take that data and make real-time routing decisions on it to keep the user experience great. You can think of it like a genius network engineer who has access to statistics on the whole internet path end-to-end, and who never takes any restroom breaks, never takes a day off and commits no errors.

The third area is flexibility. The problem with networks built on static policies, like much of today’s Network Technology, is that they don’t adapt to the continual evolution in applications where users are adding things constantly. At Bigleaf we believe users shouldn’t have to worry about how to make their network deal with new applications. So we use intelligent software that automatically identifies those applications through algorithms and heuristics and classifies them into six different categories. We then take that traffic end-to-end across the internet and prioritize it even when it’s congested our users get the best possible application experience without having to manually configure their Network.

The fourth area I want to touch on is autonomy. Autonomous software is very exciting. You’re all here because of that. What we see in the networking space is that it can be applicable to take away the low-level details of managing how to implement the network and releases people to focus more on the outcome that they really want. When I look at autonomous software, I see that it tends to sit in this Sweet Spot somewhere between full manual control and full automation in network software and routing technology.

Like what we do. You can automate it pretty heavily and have that be successful. That’s because computers are better than humans at real-time network monitoring and routing decisions. And the scope of the problem is small enough that you can build autonomous software effectively to accomplish things. Networks built on autonomous software means that administrators are happy because their networks behave like they intended them to, even when conditions change, and users are happy because their applications work right all the time. Bigleaf customers are happy customers.

We make their applications behave like they were intended with our direct peering to Microsoft network and our automatic classification of all types of cloud traffic. Bigleaf is the best way to connect to Office 365. If you want to learn more or talk about how we can work together. Please see me the back afterward. Thank you.